Satisfying Your Cravings: Advice from Kathy Hester

Kathy Hester is the author of ten vegan cookbooks and a self-proclaimed mad scientist in the kitchen. When she isn’t authoring new recipes, you can find her blogging on and

You went meatless in the 80s but became plant-based more recently – what triggered this change?

I became vegetarian for moral reasons, but I don’t care whether people are making a change for moral or health reasons. Honestly, I tend to avoid discussing the reason I went vegan with my readers because it can be such a polarizing issue. What I will say is, for my conscience, I had to stop eating animal products.

Is there any food that you haven’t been able to replicate in vegan-form?

No, I’m a mad scientist in the kitchen! I can make anything plant-based. I deal with a lot of special diets and my philosophy is, no matter what your dietary limitations are, I can help you make your cravings!

When you’re a long-time vegan or vegetarian, you may start to have nostalgic cravings for foods you grew up eating. It’s totally possible to have all of those foods made vegan! In my first cookbook, Vegan Slow Cooker, I even have a steak and gravy recipe made from wheat gluten.

People in the vegan community sometimes shut down certain cravings and shame others for being “less than vegan.” If someone comes to me for recipes and they only eat meatless a few times a month, I’ll work with them where they are. It’s important to recognize that even cutting down on some animal products is a huge achievement! It would be great to see the community of plant-based people become more welcoming to people who are beginning to make changes, rather than shaming others.

A lot of people find it difficult to go vegan and eat healthy. What can people do to avoid becoming “junk food vegans”?

If you go from an average diet to vegan, you are likely eating healthier than before, even if you’re consuming some vegan junk food. Eating healthy is a journey – most of us are not just consuming whole foods and have at least some “unhealthy” foods in our diets.

We all begin a healthy eating journey from a different starting place. Before I can help someone, I need to know what changes they have already made to improve their diet. It’s important to find out what hump someone is at in their journey and start there, because the journey never ends.

What are some guiding principles for experimenting in the kitchen?

When it comes to spices, try buying very small increments at Whole Foods first- you can literally buy a tablespoon! Then once you figure out what flavors you like, go to a local ethic market where you can find large quantities for cheap. While you are cooking, hold spices above your dish and smell the two together to gauge if you will like the flavor combination. Your senses will either day Oh no! or Huh, this could work! Trust your instinct, smell is very closely related to taste.

Start introducing new ingredients one by one and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone!

What’s next for your career?

I have another book coming out in December! My first book, Vegan Slow Cooker, is being released as a revised version with oil free options and 30 new recipes. Also, I teach online cooking classes that people are welcome to join live, or watch as a recorded version.

See all of Kathy’s vegan cookbooks here!

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